
NTT MCLが取り上げられた

NTT MCLの高梨斉社長が2005年に毎日就職ナビにインタビューされましたが、なぜか今年掲載されました。今日僕が偶然見つかりました。僕が勤めている会社、または僕が開発しているサービスが報道で取り上げられることにびっくりしながら誇っています。原文はこちらです:




Communications Service that can connect the world wirelessly
Providing both advanced security and usability, the next generation of wireless communications.

Around town, in train stations, hotel lobbies, fast food shops, etc. it is not unusual to see people with their laptops open sending and receiving e-mails or browsing the web. What makes that possible is a wireless service called "HOTSPOT". This ability to connect anytime, anywhere is a symbol of our ubiquitous society. What can you do with HOTSPOT? What is its purpose? We explore the possibilites of both its business and its technology...

【1】 街で増え続ける無線LANスポット



こう語るのは、NTTコミュニケーションズ株式会社が米国に設立したNTT Multimedia Communications Laboratories(以下、NTT MCL)のプレジデント兼CEO(最高経営責任者)である高梨斉氏。1987年にNTT(当時)に入社以来、ワイヤレス通信研究・開発の最前線に立ち続けてきた。

(1) The increasing number of wireless hotspots around town

ADSL and fiber optics are spreading not just at the office, but even at home; what allows us to easily use this broadband environment when we
are out is wireless service. At present, the use of wireless is quickly

"Our company provides wireless service under the brand name "HOTSPOT", as of March 2005 we had over 3000 access points in Japan and you can
use over 35,000 access locations in 55 countries overseas. Plus we
provide service on over 100 international flights; we are proud to have
the best coverage area in the world."

So says the president and CEO of NTT MCL, NTT Communications' American subsidiary, Mr. Takanashi Hitoshi. Since joining NTT in 1987, Takanashi has stood at the forefront of wireless research and development.

【2】 セキュリティの確立が最大の課題

高梨氏の率いるNTT MCLは1998年にシリコンバレーに設立されて以来、インターネットとワイヤレス技術を中心に、マルチメディア通信サービスのためのさまざまな技術開発を行ってきた。


他人のIDやパスワードを不正に入手し、それを使ってネットワークにログインする「なりすまし」や、他人のコンピューターのデータをのぞき見し、クレジットカード番号や暗証番号などの重要な個人情報を盗み出す「スキミング」など、セキュリティ上の弱点を淘汰することが高梨氏のミッションである。「自分と同じIDやパスワードでログインしている人物がいると即座に検知してなりすましを防ぐ技術や、同じ LANに接続しているほかのコンピューターから盗み見ができないようにする技術など、ホットスポットを商用化するまでに万全のセキュリティ対策をとりました」。

(2) Ensuring user's security is the biggest task

Since NTT MCL was founded in Silicon Valley in 1998, with a focus on Internet and wireless technologies, they have developed various
technologies for multimedia transmission service.

"We've particularly put effort toward realizing a secure (computing) environment. There are many challenges in areas such as encryption, authentication, and key distribution. It is a given that we need new ideas that go beyond just theory, but we also need the technical ability to implement those ideas in software. The reason we picked Silicon
Valley is that we wanted to be somewhere we could secure the latest research and excellent engineers. Establishing security technology is an essential condition for the success of wireless internet service."

It is Takanashi's mission to eliminate the security weaknesses that allow people to obtaining and use of someone else's username and password to login without authorization, view data on other's computers, or steal credit card numbers, PIN numbers, or other important personal
information. Technologies such as those to prevent identity theft by quickly detecting when someone with the same ID and password as me logs in or to prevent others on the same network connection from being able to steal my data -- we've productized the most product security measures in the HOTSPOT service."

【3】 さらなる普及のカギ、ローミングとモバイル技術




また、自社ネットワーク内でユーザーが高速移動を行う場合には通信を途切れなく保持する必要がありますが、NTTコミュニケーションズのホットスポットでは高速移動時にも同じIPアドレスを保持したまま通信ができる技術を開発しました。この技術はMobile IPと似ていますが、端末に特殊な設定やソフトのインストールなどは一切不要で、ユーザーの負担がないところが大きな違いです。この技術により、VPNを張ってご利用の方やVoIPなどのサービスをお使いの方にも非常に好評をいただいています」

(3) Roaming and mobile technology is the key to further growth

In addition to security, the thing we are very interested in are technologies that allow you to use the wireless network when traveling, such as on the plane or on the Shinkansen, and global roaming technologies that allow you to use wireless overseas. In other to realize this environment, we need to have a structure that allows one to use hotspots outside of the service area of the ISP they contracted with.

We are using a service called "roaming" that allows one to use wireless networks of other ISPs when outside of the service area of their own ISP. Unlike cellular service, there is a single international standard for wireless so a Japanese-made terminal can be used with any network in the world. However, in order to roam to another ISP's network, that ISP needs to be able to authentication with the user's contracted ISP. Authentication information is managed within ISPs but wireless is a worldwide network so it is necessary for authentication information to be omnipresent rather than isolated within the ISPs. To solve this problem, we developed a bridge ("clearing system") that accepts all the various dialects of authentication information used around the world and thus successfully enables global roaming.

When we first started global roaming I was excited the instant I connected to another companies network. The engineers at the other end shared the same feeling; that excitement of that moment we connect is expressed in the various dialects of those countries' cultures.

In addition, it is necessary for users to be able to seemlessly move at high speeds within one's own ISP's network; we developed a technology for NTT Communications' HOTSPOT that allows users to move without changing IP addresses. That technology is similar to Mobile IP but that fact that it does not require users to change any settings or install any special software on their terminals is a big difference. Users that have deployed and use VPN or VoIP value this technology.

【4】 進化するIPネットワーク、広がるサービス



高梨氏らのNTT MCLは、2000年に世界で最初のIPv6 IX(相互接続ポイント)商用サービスを提供した実績を持っている。IPv6という高度なセキュリティの確保された次世代プロトコルの上で、ストリーミング、リモートアクセス、VoIPといったさまざまなアプリケーションが実現する時、その先に切り開かれるビジネスの可能性は計り知れないものがある。

「IPv6 は、これまでには考えてもみなかったものも含め、あらゆる種類の機器をIP端末化し、インターネットと結びつけるでしょう。それとワイヤレスが結びつくと、何が飛び出すか予想がつかないほどエキサイティングなことが起きるはずです。私たちの技術開発は、ますます面白い局面を迎えていると言えます」

(4) Evolving IP networks, expanding service

Currently development is progessing on technology that should allow NTT Communications to start providing IP phone service via HOTSPOT. The allocation of the 050 area code for PCs with wireless LAN support, PDAs, and cell phones is drawing a lot of attention as a driver for VoIP to expand from land lines to mobile terminals. NTT DoCoMo has also already started selling dual-mode phones with both FOMA and wireless network support; it is expected that this will add fuel to the competition amongst VoIP over wireless services.

In addition, it was reported just the other day that the IP protocol used amongst U.S. government agencies will be switched from IPv4 to IPv6 by 2008. Because IPv6 includes support for IPsec (IP packet encryption standard) by default, communications channels can be automatically encrypted. This will defend against cyberterror and hacker attacks but it is also thought that the U.S. government's intent is to encourage businesses to move to IPv6 also.

Takanashi's group at NTT MCL has a record for providing the world's first IPv6 interchange commercial service in 2000. No one knows what kind of business opportunities will be possible once applications such as remote access, streaming, VoIP, etc. are implemented on top of the advanced security provided by the next generation IPv6 protocol.

"I expect everything will be connected to the Internet with IPv6; every kind of terminal device will support IP, including things we have never even thought of before. Along with wireless connectivity, something unimaginably exciting should come about. You can say that our technology development is inviting even more exciting breakthroughs."

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